2024 Registration for Tokyo Tech students (Dr's K-meet)


School (e.g., School of Engineering):required

Department (e.g., Mechanical Engineering):required


Student ID number:required

Mail Address:required

Mail addres(for verification):required
(to verify, input same email address)

Participation date(Multiple selection possible):required

<Whether or not you wish to use the Student Contact System.>
If there is a company that interests you and you would like to know the company name, please select "Yes". If you are not interested, please select "No".:required

<If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please fill in your information below>
Please provide a summary of your current research (within 300characters):

Self-promotion / What you want to do at the company (within 150 characters):

Areas of expertise (languages, IT technology, experimental technology, qualifications, etc.) Other things you want to convey to companies (within 150 characters):